Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) seedlings - box of 80
Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) seedlings - box of 80
Seedling Information.
Sequoia seedlings ready to plant out in the field or pot up - averaging 15-20cm tall.
A moderate to fast growing tree species.
One of the worlds oldest varieties.
For more information check out the Tree library.
For Growers.
Plant out directly in the field in cool conditions or pot up and grow on for a year to get your trees ahead of the weeds and give them time to adapt to your climate
. Avoid fertilising in the first few months after planting as this can burn seedlings. Coast redwoods are very vigorous growers once established.
They will need little additional watering or fertiliser but will grow faster if kept moist throughout the year.
Keep weeds down around the tree for at least the first year and water in well after planting until established.
Sequoias prefer soils with good drainage and a slightly acidic pH.