Silver birch (Betula pendula)
Silver birch (Betula pendula)
The silver birch is a deciduous tree, with papery white bark and draping, diamond shaped green leaves which fade to bright yellows and reds in autumn. The branches are slightly pendulous and create a light canopy - letting dappled light through to the ground. These are very adaptable trees which often grow in association with pines, spruces and firs in their native habitat of northern and Central Europe and Asia. It often associates with beneficial mycorrhizal fungi including the iconic Amanita muscaria red and white speckled mushroom - the fly agaric.
The sIlver birch is highly adaptable and grows particularly well in temperate to colder climates with frosty winters. A fast growing tree to 15-25m tall at maturity, it prefers acidic soil and good moisture - growing especially well on well drained loams and clay loams but also tolerates periodically wet soils.