1/2 Box Radiata pine seedlings - Christmas tree cultivar

Radiata pine seedlings.jpg
Radiata pine seedlings.jpg

1/2 Box Radiata pine seedlings - Christmas tree cultivar

Sale Price:$180.00 Original Price:$195.00


40 Radiata pine seedlings ready to plant out in the field, averaging 25cm tall. These pines are bred specially for Christmas trees - selected for their high branching, fast growth and shorter needles. Most radiata pines nowadays are selected for the forestry industry and timber production. Such forestry bred trees with GF (growth and form) ratings above 19, grow up tall and skinny and have large 'internodes' or spaces between branches. In comparison, our Christmas tree cultivar tends to remain more bushy. They also take a little less regular pruning and maintenance to get to the desired shape.

All our seedings are sent as plug stock without containers for more efficient transport. Please plant directly out into the field or pot up on arrival. 140mm pots are the ideal size to pot these seedlings into and hold in for up to 1 year.

Note: Postage is the same for a half box or full box of seedlings.


Plant out directly in the field in cool conditions or pot up and grow on for a year to get your trees ahead of the weeds and give them time to adapt to your climate. Avoid fertilising in the first few months after planting as this can burn seedlings. Radiata pines are very vigorous growers and once established will need little watering or fertiliser. Keep weeds down around the tree for at least the first year and water in well after planting until established. Pines like gentle slopes or hilly terrain with good drainage and hate wet feet. Avoid boggy or very clayey soils in landscape depressions or drainage lines. They thrive on acidic soils and will tolerate lightly alkaline soil. Trees are frost tolerant down to -10’C and will tolerate hot conditions provided they do not dry out. Trees will need regular pruning to maintain a dense Christmas tree shape as they tend to grow very fast.

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